Home > FAQ > What is a CustoPack ? > How to install a CustoPack which is already imported?

How to install a CustoPack which is already imported?

If you want to install a CustoPack which is already imported (step 1 and 2 of « How to import and install a CustoPack? »), please follow the following instructions: 

  1. Launch CustoPack Tools.

  2. Click « Choose a CustoPack » which will correpond to  « CustoPacks ready to be installed ».


  3. The list of CustoPacks which is available on your computer appears. Fly over the pack that you want to install. Then click on « Pack preview » (or « Install this pack » if you don't want to see the pack preview).


  4.  Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

  5. CustoPack Tools installs the selected pack. This process may take a few minutes, it depends on selected options and  your computer's performances.  

  6. After, or during the installation, you will be prompted to  « Restart your computer » or to « Log out ». This allows to complete the pack installation.


  7. At the first installation of a pack, it is possible that after restarting your computer a window asks you to complete the pack installation. If this window doesn't appear, you can go to item number (9). 

  8. Click « Yes » to complete the installation of CustoPack. CustoPack Tools will open in order to finish the installation of the « Visual style » part. When it's indicated that the installation is completed, you can close CustoPack Tools.

  9. Installation completed! Thanks for being patient! Now you can enjoy the new appearance of your Windows.